The Band



Guitar (Rhythm & Lead)

Iain (Easy)

Guitar (Rhythm & Shred) 

Backing Vocals

Skender (Sken)

Bass Guitar 



Johnny (The Treasurer)


 Backing Vocals

Hip Hop Legend

The Side Project Cover Band have years of musical experience playing in various other bands and musical outfits around Melbourne and beyond. They all got together in 2018 and started jamming a few of their favourite songs. After a couple of months they played some open mic gigs in South Melbourne Pubs and pretty soon were playing regular residencies throughout 2019. Live gigs slowed right down in 2020 due to the pandemic but the guys kept bringing more and more songs into the mix when restrictions allowed them to get together and rehearse. 2021 has seen the band back and playing live around Melbourne live music venues. Take a look at our Gig Calendar to see where they are next playing.